Rules for Students

  1. Students must bring the dairies daily to the school.
  2. The School Uniform is compulsory on all working days in class room as well as in the school campus during the school hours.
  3. All Students must be present for the morning assembly where silence is observed. Prayers must be said with respect and devotion.
  4. Order and silence are to be strictly observed in the class rooms and while going to the curricular and co-curricular activity areas and coming back.
  5. The Students must look after their own belongings. The school is not responsible for the Books, Money etc. that are lost.
  6. Unprescribed books, newspapers or periodicals brought to school without the Principal's permission are liable to be confiscated.
  7. Any Student coming late should not enter the class room unless he / she brings the teacher a note from the supervisor/Principal.
  8. During the absence of the teacher each class monitor / monitress is responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  9. Any damage done to the school building and property must immediately be reported to the principal and compensated. The decision of the Principal regarding the compensation will be final.
  10. Any one who notices any damage should report the matter to the Principal / class teacher even if he / she does not know who has done it.
  11. No Student should write or draw anything or paste anything on the furniture, Green/smart board and wall.
  12. No Student will be excused from Physical exercise without a valid doctor's certificate.
  13. No Student is allowed to meet parents or visitors and leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
  14. No party or Excursion should be held without the prior permission of the principal.
  15. All students are expected to attend class picnic or tour arranged by the school. Management, Principal or teachers will not be responsible for any mishaps.
  16. Presents to teachers are not allowed without the consent of the school authority.
  17. For irregular attendance, habitual negligence of studies and disobedience, discourtesy as well as disrespect to the members of the school staff a student incurs punishment including dismissal from the school.
  18. Any student damaging any book in the library will be penalised. Parents should encourage their ward to read good books.
  19. Foul play in exams will be dealt severely.