Our Mission

We dedicate ourselves to the mission of training the present generation for academic excellence and character formation based on Value System, Love of God and Service to the Society and the Country.

Our Vision

We envisage the total formation of the young generation of the time for the enrichment of the Society and that for the nation at large.

Aim and objective

  • The school aims at the education of the Catholic community around and extends its services to the other communities to the extent possible with due respect to their religious feelings and freedom of conscience. A course of moral instruction including the fundamental duties of man to God, oneself and fellowmen is imparted to all students.
  • The school stands for academic excellence, development of skill and character formation based on the love of God and the service of fellowmen forming the pupils into the future leaders of this country. Take heed to the path of you feet, then all your ways will be sure.
  • The specific aim of this school is the all round development of the students, to enable them to fulfill their noble role in life, where ever they may be placed. Hence the school makes! careful selection of the students who apply and demands from them high standard in ideals and attainments.