Good Lord, Thank you for giving me good parents,
I know they live for me day and night.
They sacrifice their health, wealth and time for me.
Even when I rest they continue to work, Even when I sleep they keep awake, They toil day and night to secure me, A good and decent living.
Above all, Lord, they bring to me Your love and concern.
Let me not disappoint them, Help me to fulfil their expectations, By growing in wisdom and truth, And by working my way to success.
Let me bring them good name by word and deed, Bless them, O Lord, with health and happiness all their life.


India is my country,
All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall respect my parents, teachers and all my elders and treat everyone with courtesy.
I pledge my devotion to my country and its people.
My happiness lies in their well-being and prosperity.